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fold back 意味

"fold back"の例文


  • 折り畳み式である、折り畳む、折り曲げる、折り返す
  • fold     1fold n. ひだ; (ヘビなどの)とぐろ巻き; 折り. 【形容詞 名詞+】 Another fold gives 32mo. もう 1
  • back     1back n. 背; 背骨; 背面, 裏面; 裏手; (心の)底; 真相; 手の甲. 【動詞+】 The cat arched its
  • to fold back    to fold back 折り返す おりかえす
  • come back to the fold    {1} : (家畜{かちく}が)囲いの中に戻る -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 家[古巣{ふるす}]に帰る ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • fold back a leaf of a book    本のページを折り曲げる
  • fold back a page    ページを折り返す
  • fold back one's sleeves    袖を折り返す
  • fold-back current limiting    fold-back current limiting フの字形限流動作[電情]
  • pay back a hundred fold    何倍{なんばい}もの利息{りそく}を付けて返す
  • receive someone back to the fold    (人)を仲間として再び迎え入れる
  • to fold back (up)    to fold back (up) 折り重ねる おりかさねる
  • fold back one's shirt sleeves    ワイシャツの袖を折り返す
  • fold back one's side mirrors    (車の)サイドミラーを倒す
  • -fold    -fold 重 え 倍 ばい
  • a fold    a fold 折れ目 おれめ 折り目 折目 おりめ


  • when you insert the naka-bukuro into the outer envelope (koden-bukuro ), you should fold back the lower end of the koden-bukuro first and then fold back the upper end so that the upper end overlaps the folded-back lower end .
  • when you insert the naka-bukuro into the outer envelope (koden-bukuro ), you should fold back the lower end of the koden-bukuro first and then fold back the upper end so that the upper end overlaps the folded-back lower end .
  • then fold back the strap [b ] in the reverse direction (if [b ] is the back strap extending from the left rear to the right front , fold it back from the knot , and pull the part extending to the right front to the left ), and turn the strap [c ] round again .
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